General Inquiries

FreeCall: 1300 559 850        Email:

Postal address:  PO Box 159, Aspley QLD 4034

Company:  Energy Options AU

Installing and Servicing  VIC – NSW – QLD – SA – NT – WA – ACT
Solar systems with or without batteries and with or without the power grid! (Grid connect, hybrid and off-grid) LED lighting and Energy Monitoring/Auditing.

Install Queries:

FreeCall 1300 559 850

Billing Queries:

FreeCall 1300 559 850

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⇒ Feedback&Complaints

Please let us know about your experience with EnergyOptions AU.
If you have feedback, or an issue you’d like us to resolve, please email
In response to some common questions from our customers, we’ve provided answers to some of our most FAQs.

⇒ Request a Call Back

Whether it’s big or small, domestic or commercial, on the grid or off it, if you live in or run a business in Australia, talk to EnergyOptions because we’re your solar power experts.

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